
Teaching in the Middle and Secondary Schools 10th Edition Jioanna Carjuzaa, ISBN-13: 978-0132696203

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Teaching in the Middle and Secondary Schools 10th Edition by Jioanna Carjuzaa, ISBN-13: 978-0132696203

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Pearson; 10th edition (May 6, 2012)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 416 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0132696207
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0132696203

Now in its tenth edition, Teaching in the Middle and Secondary Schools remains an influential text for pre-service teachers studying middle and secondary school teaching methods. Written by an expert on multicultural education, diversity and cultural differences among students are thematically integrated throughout this text and applied to all areas of study. Containing activities that focus on student-centered learning, real life scenarios that apply critical teaching skills, and in-chapter exercises and end-of-chapter activities, this text is both practical and applicable as a valuable instructional text and future resource for professionals. The new tenth edition is tech savvy and updated, including a greater focus on middle school teaching methods and curriculum, twenty-first century skills, and analysis of student assessment and achievement.

Teaching in the Middle and Secondary Schools remains an influential text for pre-service teachers studying middle and secondary school teaching methods. Containing activities that focus on student-centered learning, real life scenarios that apply critical teaching skills, and in-chapter exercises as well as end-of-chapter activities, this text is a valuable instructional text and future resource for professionals.

The new tenth edition is tech savvy and updated, including a greater focus on middle school teaching methods and curriculum, 21st Century Skills, and analysis of student assessment and achievement. Diversity and cultural differences among students are thematically integrated and applied to all areas of study.


–          A new chapter, Middle and Secondary Schools Today and Tomorrow: Reform Efforts, Challenges and Issues, and Trends and Practices, examines the changing nature of school reform, fundamental characteristics of exemplary education including 21st Century Skills, Response to Intervention, and Differentiated Instruction, and the challenges, problems, and issues that face schools today.

–          A new chapter,Designing Lesson and Unit Plans to Engage All Students, emphasizes the importance of learning how to design lesson and unit plans that respond to the needs of all students

–          New focus on multicultural education, instruction, and the inclusive classroom

–          Integration of current technologies, using technology, and 21st Century Skills

Table of Contents:

Part I: Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Middle and Secondary Schools

Chapter 1: Middle and Secondary Schools in the Past: Purpose, Organization, Structure, and Reform

Chapter 2: Middle and Secondary Schools Today and Tomorrow: Reform Efforts, Challenges and Issues, and Trends and Practices

Chapter 3: Middle and Secondary School Students: Addressing Cultural Diversity

Part II: Planning for Instruction

Chapter 4: Establishing and Maintaining a Safe and Supportive Classroom Learning Environment

Chapter 5: Selecting Content and Preparing Instructional Objectives

Chapter 6: Course Syllabi, Instructional Units, and Curriculum Integration

Part III: Selecting and Implementing Instructional Strategies

Chapter 7: Designing Lesson and Unit Plan to Engage All Students

Chapter 8: Student-Centered Instructional Strategies

Chapter 9: Teacher-Centered Instructional Strategies

Chapter 10: Printed Materials and Visual Displays, Resources, Networks and Educational Technology, Media Tools, and Computer-based Instructional Tools

Part IV: Assessment of Teaching and Learning

Chapter 11: Assessing and Reporting Student Achievement

Chapter 12: Reflecting on Teaching Practices and Engaging in Professional Development


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2 reviews for Teaching in the Middle and Secondary Schools 10th Edition Jioanna Carjuzaa, ISBN-13: 978-0132696203

  1. Matthew Hughes (verified owner)

    Efficient service, eBook delivered quickly.

  2. Chloe Jenkins (verified owner)

    Great support and super fast delivery, highly recommend.

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